


About us

Armat Electric Co., Ltd.始建于1976年,总部位于纽约州,是电能质量治理专业制造商。市场主要分布在美洲、欧洲、亚洲,具有遍布各地的的业绩及销售网络。尊龙凯时电气有限公司于2018年进入中国,为了服务于中国客户,尊龙凯时公司在盐城外资产业园设立中美合资工厂:尊龙凯时(江苏)电气有限公司,主要致力于电能质量领域的高低压电力电容器、电抗器、工业级滤波器、SVG等产品的研发、生产及原装进口电容器等产品销售。产品在电力、汽车、造船、冶金、铁路、石油、化工、机场和医院等各领域广泛应用。尊龙凯时现已发展成为一家能够向各地市场和用户提供全系列高低压电容器、电抗器、无功补偿及滤波系统的制造商。

Armat Electric Co., Ltd., founded in 1976 and headquartered in New York, is an professional manufacturer of power quality management in the. Armat has the markets mainly distributed in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and has performance and sales network. Armat Electric Co., Ltd. entered the Chinese market in 2018. In order to serve the Chinese customers, Armat Electric Co., Ltd. established a Sino-American joint venture in Yancheng Foreign-owned Enterprise Industrial Park, i.e. Armat (Jiangsu) Electric Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in the research, development and production of high and low voltage power capacitors, reactors, industrial-grade filters and SVG in the field of power quality as well as the sales of imported capacitors and other products. Its products are widely used in electric power, automobile, shipbuilding, metallurgy, railway, petroleum, chemical industry, airport and hospital and other fields. Armat has developed into a manufacturer providing a full range of high and low voltage capacitors, reactors, reactive power compensation systems and filter systems for the markets and customers. 



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